The Manny Tames the Cowboy Page 8
I laughed awkwardly and hugged him close. “It’s okay. I still love you.”
“I’m an emotional wreck.”
“It’s fine.” I was relieved at the change in his mood.
He sighed and pulled away, rubbing at his eyes. He went back to the stove and after about ten minutes dinner was ready. We ate at the table and Avery was in silly mood, giggling and making jokes. He was a different kid than a month ago. I’d made a point of being more affectionate with him and spending time alone with him so that we could bond. He no longer looked at me like I was a monster about to bite his head off.
Hunter disappeared halfway through dinner, and when he came back to the table he was a little green around the gills. He picked at his food and drank nothing but water.
When my plate was clean, I stood and started clearing the table.
“I can do that.” Hunter started to get to his feet.
“Sit. I’m clearing the table.” I turned to Avery. “Son, if he tries to get up, do whatever it takes to keep him in his seat.”
Avery widened his eyes. “You mean wrestle him?”
I laughed. “Sure.”
“This is silly. I can clean the table just fine,” Hunter grumbled.
I pointed at him. “Stay put.”
He rolled his eyes.
Avery crawled over to him and put his arms around his neck. “You ain’t going anywhere.”
Hunter smiled and shook his head. “You two are stubborn.”
“We’re stubborn?” Avery squeaked. “Nah-uh, you are.”
I went about cleaning up the kitchen as the two of them fooled around teasing each other. It was hard to imagine this hadn’t always been what I’d wanted. Maybe I’d just been afraid to try after losing Felix. I had kind of felt like a dark cloud had hovered over me before Hunter arrived on my doorstep.
Once the dishes were in the dishwasher and the food was put away, I took Avery up and got him ready for bed. When I went into my room, Hunter was sitting on the edge of the bed looking uneasy.
“Everything okay?” I approached him.
He scrunched his face into a frown. “I don’t know.”
“Seems like you should know what’s bugging you.”
“I just feel weird.”
“Weird toward me?”
“No. Just in general.”
“You sure you don’t feel weird about me?”
“Of course I’m sure.”
“You just seem—”
“What?” He narrowed his eyes. “What do I seem, Jake?”
“Tense. You seem unusually tense.”
“Well, I have a lot on my plate, Jake. I have an active kid to take care of and a house to keep clean. It’s not like I’m eating bon bons all day. I’m working my ass off.”
“I know you are.” I grimaced.
He closed his eyes. “Shit. I’m sorry.”
“It’s… it’s okay.” My stomach tensed as I stood in front of him. “Maybe you’re unhappy.”
“Have you…” I clenched my jaw and then forced myself to continue. “Have you changed your mind about being with me, Hunter?”
He looked up at me like he thought I was nuts. “What would give you that idea?”
“Cuz you seem out of sorts.”
“It’s not you.”
“You sure about that? You’re mad at me all the time lately. It seems like you don’t want me touching you.” I raked a hand through my hair. “You’re younger than me by a lot, and I’d understand if you think you made a mistake.”
“Wait a minute.” His mouth hardened. “Do you think you made a mistake? Is that why you’re asking me that?”
“What? No. I didn’t mean that.”
His gaze was suspicious. “Right.”
I threw my hands in the air. “I don’t regret being with you, Hunter. But you sure as hell seem like you hate the sight of me.”
“I don’t hate the sight of you. I love you, you darn fool,” he snapped.
Something about the way he was behaving suddenly seemed familiar to me. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more surprised I was that I hadn’t figured this out sooner. I dropped to my haunches in front of him and I took his chilled hands. “Now… don’t take what I’m about to ask you the wrong way.”
He scowled. “What?”
I cleared my throat. “Do you think… I mean is there any possibility that you might be pregnant?”
His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. “No. You never once touched me when I was in heat.”
“True. But while you’re at your most fertile when you’re in heat… that doesn’t mean you can’t still get pregnant any other time.”
He blinked at me, a line between his brows.
“I only ask because… well… I remember Felix was a little bit like this when he first got pregnant with Avery.”
He dropped his gaze to his stomach and he placed his hand over his belly. “Pregnant?”
“It’s possible.”
When he looked up his expression was almost relieved. “Do you really think that might be why I’m acting so strange?”
“Felix broke at least six dishes throwing them at me during his first trimester. He was as touchy as a bronco with a burr under his saddle.”
His eyes watered. “Jesus, that would be so great. Mostly because I want your baby, but also because maybe then I’m not just losing my mind.”
“Why don’t I take you into town tomorrow to see the doctor?”
He nodded, squeezing my hands. “Okay. Yeah.”
I stood and he followed suit. “Ready to go to bed? I’ve got Avery all settled.”
He smiled and pulled his shirt off over his head. My gaze roved over his flat stomach and I reached out and smoothed my palm over his firm skin. “If I’m right, soon enough this belly of yours will be fat with child.”
His cheeks tinted pink. “I hope you’re right.”
Me too. I grinned. “Otherwise I’m just mated for life to a crazy omega.”
He snorted a laugh. “Very funny.”
Dr. Horowitz came in the room with a big smile. “It’s official, you’re pregnant. You’re not a crazy omega after all, Hunter.”
Avery giggled as he sat on my lap, and I grimaced as Hunter shot me a dirty look.
“Did you tell him that?” he asked.
“It’s just a joke.” I laughed sheepishly.
“Yeah. A private joke.” He scowled.
Dr. Horowitz waved his hand at Hunter. “Awww, come on. This is a moment for celebration, not hormonal meltdowns.”
Hunter’s expression changed. “Holy, shit. I’m pregnant!”
Pride filled my chest and I set Avery on the ground and hugged my omega. “This is such great news.”
Avery jumped up and down, his eyes shining and his cheeks flushed. “Do I get a baby brother?”
“Or sister.” Hunter patted his head.
Avery froze. “What?”
“I might have a girl.” Hunter laughed.
A line appeared between Avery’s brows. “A girl in our house? But we’re just boys.”
“Then you could use a little femininity at your place.” Dr. Horowitz smiled. He pulled his glasses down as he studied the papers in his hands. “Everything looks good so far. You’re a little low on iron. I’ll get you a supplement.”
“Thanks.” Hunter nodded.
“Judging by when your last heat was, and the level of hCG in your blood, I’d say you’re about four weeks along, Hunter.”
He rubbed his stomach. “Is it normal to be super grumpy?”
“Everybody is different, but being moody is definitely a common side effect of incoming babies.” He laughed.
I pulled my hat off and ran my hand through my hair. “Hot damn, I’m gonna be a dad again.”
Hunter sighed. “Thanks, doc, for putting our minds at ease.”
“Don’t forget the prenatal vitamins and try not to give into craving
s too much. Congratulations again, boys.” He pulled a sucker out of a glass jar on the counter and handed it to Avery.
Avery grabbed with gleefully. “I love green!”
Hunter winked at me as he addressed my son. “Hey, that’s my sucker.”
Avery bounced up and down and unwrapped the lollipop as fast as he could, then he put it in his mouth. “It’s mine.”
“That’s not fair. I’m the one having the baby.” Hunter fake frowned.
“Too bad!” Avery giggled maniacally. “It’s mine.”
Dr. Horowitz hesitated before leaving the room. “We’ll schedule an ultrasound at eighteen weeks, and I’ll see you next month.”
Once he was gone, I hugged Hunter again. I smoothed the hair off his brow as I studied his handsome face. “I’m about as proud as can be.”
“Me too.” He sighed. “So which do you want? A boy or a girl?”
“It don’t make no never mind to me. So long as the baby’s healthy.”
“Same here.”
Avery pushed between our legs and he grinned up at us. “I want a boy!”
“You don’t say?” Hunter grinned.
We all laughed as we left the office and headed for home.
“I brought you some chamomile tea.” I carried the mug to Hunter, who was still in the bed looking pale.
“Shouldn’t the nausea have gone away by now? I’m officially in my second trimester.”
“I guess the baby didn’t get the memo.” I perched on the edge of the bed and carefully passed the steaming beverage to Hunter.
He sipped the tea. “Thank you.”
“You’re the one who has to have the baby, I reckon it’s the least I can do to pamper you a little.”
He had faint dark circles under his pretty blue eyes. “I feel guilty staying in bed and not making your breakfast.”
“You’ve barely missed any days. Don’t worry about it. I know how to fry an egg.”
“I’m sure I’ll feel better any day now.” He set his tea on the nightstand. Then he pushed the covers down and lifted his T-shirt to show his bare belly. He cupped the little plump bulge that had shown up the last few weeks. “I can’t wait to not feel sick.”
He glanced up. “Does my stomach gross you out?”
I scowled. “Not at all. I think you’re sexier than ever. I’m not sure how you don’t know that. I can’t keep my hands off of you.”
“Maybe it’s just pity sex.” His lips twitched.
“It ain’t.”
He peered closer at his stomach. “Shit. Is that a stretch mark?” He looked up horrified.
I leaned closer. “Maybe. Does it matter?”
“But I use coco butter every morning and night.”
I grimaced, not sure what to say.
He held up his hands. “And my feet and fingers are swollen. Did you notice? They look like sausages.”
I laughed because he was exaggerating.
“How can you even stand to touch me? I’m getting grosser by the day.”
“Hunter, you’re nuts.”
“No. I’m not.”
“Strip naked right now and I’ll be happy to show you just how attractive I find you,” I growled, running my gaze over his stomach and thighs. I sighed. “In fact, cover yourself up please. I have to get to work and you’re getting me all distracted.”
Even though he still wore a small frown, he looked flattered too. He pulled the covers up and licked his lips. “Maybe you can help me mess up the bed on your lunch break.” He gave an exaggerated wink.
I chuckled. “Just say the word.”
“Sure you don’t have any doubts about being with me?”
“Not a one.” I spoke firmly. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and Avery.”
He beamed. “Good answer.”
I stood and moved to the door. “You stay in bed as long as you want. I know how to use a can opener. We won’t starve.”
He curled his lip. “No. I’ll get up in just a bit.”
“Suit yourself.” I flared my nostrils. “But I never get tired of seeing you in my bed.”
Turning on his side, he gave me a flirty look. “Maybe we can have an early lunch today.”
“Screw it.” I laughed, while closing and locking the door. Then I approached him pulling my shirt off and tossing it to the floor. Unzipping my jeans, I growled, “The boys can start without me this morning.”
He grinned. “Better them than me.”
Chapter Nine
I wiggled as the technician squeezed the gel onto my stomach. “That tickles.”
She smiled. “Sorry.” She slid the plastic wand over my abdomen slowly. “Is this your first ultra-sound?”
“No. I had one in the first trimester. But the technician didn’t explain anything. It was over in five minutes.” I frowned.
“Was that here at this office?” She looked annoyed.
“Yes. But she said she was new and I got the feeling she was super nervous.” Jake shifted his seat, pulling it closer.
“Oh, I’m sorry about that. Well, I’m the usual technician, but we did have someone fill in for me a while back when I was on vacation.” She smiled at us. “Here, let me explain things for you. It’s more exciting when you know what’s going on. This thing I’m holding is called the transducer. It transmits high-frequency sound waves. They bounce off the fetus and send signals back to the machine. Then the machine converts the signals into an image. See there? That’s your baby.” She squinted as she studied the black and white images on the monitor. “Everything looks good so far.”
“Wow, it even looks like a baby.” Jake’s voice was soft.
I smiled at him. “Kind of makes it all seem real.”
He laughed. “Well, it felt pretty real already. But I can actually see a profile now.” He shook his head. “That’s amazing.”
“The baby has your nose.” I smirked.
“I’m checking the brain and heart now. See that fluttering there in the middle? That’s the baby’s heart beat.” The technician murmured. “Looks normal. The liver and kidneys are next.” She bit her lip. “All good so far as I can tell.”
I felt unusually emotional, but I tried to hold it in. I didn’t want to start blubbering like a baby in front of the technician. When I met Jake’s gaze, he too looked like he had to restrain his feelings.
The technician spent a while moving around my belly and showing us different angles of the fetus. She said she knew the sex of the baby, but we said not to tell us. She took her time with us and by the end of the sonogram, I was so excited to meet the baby, it was crazy.
She left the room and I wiped the gel off my stomach and got dressed. Jake was kind of quiet and as I buttoned my shirt I glanced at him. “Is everything okay?” I asked.
He nodded but his eyes were strained.
“What’s wrong?” I frowned.
“Jake, I know you well enough to see something has you upset.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not upset so much as worried.”
I studied him. “About the baby?”
He shook his head. “More about you.”
I realized his last experience with a birth hadn’t gone well. Felix had died and he’d been left to raise Avery alone. “Nothing is going to happen to me.”
“Yeah. I know that what happened before is rare. But it did happen, and I’m not sure I could survive anything like that happening to you, Hunter.”
“Nothing is going to go wrong.”
“It’s understandable you’d be uneasy. But I feel good and the doctor seems to think the baby is healthy.”
He dropped his chin to his chest. “They told me all that stuff before too.” He looked up, his face pale. “But then Felix hemorrhaged and they just couldn’t stop the bleeding in time.”
I swallowed nervously. I certainly did
n’t want to hear about things going wrong with a pregnancy, but at the same time this was the first time Jake had truly opened up to me about exactly how Felix had died. “I’m sorry.”
He sighed. “I hadn’t expected so many memories to come crashing back.”
“I think it’s normal.”
“I have to keep reminding myself that what happened to Felix was extremely rare.” He clenched his jaw. “Everything should be just fine.”
“Absolutely.” I opened the door and we left the building.
The next month was a blur of doctor visits and shopping for baby stuff. Avery helped me paint the baby’s room yellow, and Jake built the crib while I sat in a rocking chair and read the instructions aloud. I’d never expected to feel loved and wanted like I did with Jake. I hadn’t even realized how much I’d craved having a family until now. I’d stuffed those needs down because I’d assumed it wasn’t in the cards for me. But now I had everything I’d ever wanted and I was scared to death of losing it.
A week before my estimated delivery date, I woke with severe cramping. The doctor had warned me that labor could start at any moment at this point. I woke Jake because the pains were intense and I was scared.
“What’s wrong?” He looked groggy and startled as he turned on the light.
I winced as another jabbing pain jolted through me. When I threw back the covers, Jake gave a sharp intake of air. “What?” I frowned.
He pointed. “Blood.”
When I glanced down there was a wide stain of scarlet spread across the white sheets. “Shit,” I gasped. I moved to the edge of the bed as another agonizing contraction hit me. I doubled over and groaned.
Jake was beside me instantly. “We’re going to the hospital now.”
“I need to get dressed.”
He exhaled roughly. “No. You don’t need to do anything but sit here while I get dressed.” He raced into the bathroom and came out in just his boxers. He swiftly pulled on jeans and a shirt and then grabbed the little suitcase I’d packed for the day of delivery. “Let’s go.”
I frowned. “What about Avery?”
He widened his eyes. “Shit. I forgot about Avery!”
“Call Tex.” I tried to speak calmly. It was obvious Jake was rattled and it wouldn’t do any good for both of us to be freaked out.